My Philosophy

When just starting therapy, many of my clients identify as feeling like the “black sheep”— the outsider, the weirdo, the misfit, the someone who has never really been understood. Often, they have either been cast aside or have done a lot of pretending to try to fit a mold they thought others wanted. The problem is that most people inherently want—need, really—to belong. When we feel like we don’t, we come up with all sorts of strategies to meet that need, or numb the pain of going without. Some of these strategies we’re aware of; others not. Some of these continue to help us; others are continuing or causing issues.

For many reasons, this is where therapy can come in. If you are someone who resonates with the above, therapy with me can be a soft spot to land and explore how this has impacted your life and mental wellbeing. Once you feel safe, we together will uncover your own sense of belonging and build a narrative around what’s happened to you: the experiences you’ve had, the messages you’ve received, the hurt you’ve endured, what you’ve had to do to get you where you are now. We will wade through feelings this has left you with as we also unravel the patterns, habits, mindsets and ideas that likely helped you survive but no longer serve you in the present.